Jim Kwik’s 10 practices for achieving an energetic brain

Mary Good Books
3 min readMar 22, 2023


In his best-selling book “Limitless”, Jim Kwik discloses practical methods to enhance our brains and supercharge our ability to learn. In other words, improving your brain equals to improving your life.

Most of us experience mental and physical fatigue which prevents us from performing our desired tasks. Below are his ten recommendations for generating vast brain energy:

1. Eat a brain diet

The best fuel for your brain is lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

· Focus on brain developing foods such as avocado, blueberries, broccoli, dark chocolate, eggs, green leafy vegetables, salmon, turmeric, walnuts, and water.

· Avoid refined sugar and carbohydrates.

· Eat whole organic foods

· Ingest B vitamins and curcumin

2. Exercises will protect your memory and thinking skills

Regular aerobic exercises will boost your hippocampus and helps with verbal memory and enhances fast learning.

3. Eradicate negative thoughts

If you regularly tell yourself that you can’t do something you will end up not doing that thing. You will then keep your limitations. Only when you move on from destructive self-talk will you be able to accomplish what you desire.

4. Live in a clean environment

Polluted air can lead to all sorts of cognitive issues, including stroke and dementia.

Make sure the air in your environment is clean and remove clutter and distractions from your surroundings to improve your focus.

5. Cultivate a positive group of peers

Those you spend your time with have genuine effect on your brain function. They will affect your self-talk, what you eat, even how much sleep you get.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. — Jim Rohn.

6. Protect your brain from physical injuries

Avoid participating in hard contact or extreme sports, or riding in motorcycles at high speeds

7. Don’t stop learning

Learning will create new pathways in your brain which will expand your brain capacity to process new information. Attempting to master a new skill or a new language is a great exercise for your brain.

8. Manage stress

Whenever we experience stress, a hormone known as cortisol is released. If this happens with regularity, the buildup of cortisol in our brains can lead it to cease functioning properly.

The reason you’re having stress is because there’s something that you need to do that you have been avoiding doing. If that’s the case, deal with the stressful task before you can get back to everything else.

9. Get a good sleep

This will improve your focus and prevent mental fatigue. Make sure you get enough quality sleep. And if you have insomnia, one of the ways to beat it, is through exercises.

10. Meditate

Meditation helps in giving your mind a break. Other benefits include: boosting immune functions, decreasing anxiety and increasing grey matter in your brain.

I hope you gained something of value. Feel free to check my other articles too. Good luck!



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