100 motivational lines from the book ‘The 5 am Club’

Mary Good Books
8 min readMar 3, 2023


And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music — Friedrich Nietzsche

Book Cover

1) You need to remember that your excuses are seducers, your fears are liars and your doubts are thieves.

2) No matter where you are on the pathway of your life, please don’t let the pain of an imperfect past hinder the glory of your fabulous future.

3) If you sense your life’s a mess right now, this is simply because your fears are just a little stronger than your faith.

4) And if being an amazing person and developing a legendary life was easy, everyone would be doing it.

5) Only those devoted enough to go to the fiery edges of their highest limits will expand them.

6) Walking into the very things that scare you is how you reclaim your forgotten power.

7) You can fit in. Or you can change the world. You don’t get to do both.

8) I only eat the best food, though I don’t eat a lot of it. I only read the most original and thoughtful books, spend my time in the most light-filled and inspiring of spaces and visit the most enchanting of places.

9) And when it comes to relationships, I only surround myself with human beings who fuel my joy, stoke my peace and excite me to become a better man.

10) It’s a little miracle how powerfully and profoundly our influences and environments shape our productivity as well as our impact

11) Art feeds my soul. Great books battleproof my hope. Rich conversations magnify my creativity. Wonderful music uplifts my heart. Beautiful sights fortify my spirit.

12) The true reason to be in the game is to be helpful to society

13) Pain is the doorway into deep

14) High victory is made in those early morning hours when no one’s watching and while everyone else is sleeping.

15) We only hear what we’re ready to hear. All learning meets us exactly where we’re at. And as we grow greater, we understand better.

16) Gargantuan results are much less about your inherited genetics and far more about your daily habits.

17) Obstacles are nothing more than tests designed to measure how seriously you want the rewards that your ambitions seek

18) Everyone thinks of changing the world but no one thinks of changing himself.

19) The part of you that clings to fear must experience a sort of crucifixion so that the portion of you that deserves high honor undergoes a kind of reincarnation.

20) The soreness of growth is so much less expensive than the devastating costs of regret

21) We falsely believe that material from the outside will fill what’s empty within ourselves. Yet it never will.

22) All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.

23) And never work only for the income. Labor for the impact

24) Commitment, discipline, patience and work.

25) Please remember that appearances can be misleading and clothing doesn’t convey one’s character

26) Remember that small daily improvements, when done consistently over time, lead to stunning results

27) When you feel like surrendering, continue. Triumph loves the relentless

28) Great power is unleashed with a simple start.

29) Please consider that a bad day for the ego is a great day for the soul.

30) I believe the humblest is the greatest

31) Our culture tells us to pursue titles and trinkets, applause and acclaim, money and mansions. All that’s fine, it truly is, so long as you don’t get brainwashed into defining your worth as a human being by these things.

32) Real power never comes from anything external

33) Real riches come from living by the noble virtues of productivity, self-discipline, courage, honesty, empathy and integrity

34) One of the primary aims of a wonderfully crafted life is contribution. Impact. Usefulness. Helpfulness

35) All pro athletes have peak performance coaches, and so do all extraordinary businesspeople

36) Growth is the real sport that the best play, every day

37) To double your income and impact, triple your investment in two core areas — your personal mastery and your professional capability.

38) Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see.

39) When we are young we sacrifice our health for wealth and when we grow old and wise we realize what’s most important — and become willing to sacrifice all our wealth for even one day of good health.

40) Rest and recovery isn’t a luxury for anyone committed to mastery — it’s a necessity.

41) Inspiration gets fed by isolation, away from the ceaseless digital diversion and mindless over communication

42) We get our ideas that change the world when we’re rested, relaxed and filled with delight

43) Anyone can be a critic. Takes guts to be an encourager.

44) Punctuality is the trait of royalty

45) Having lots of money doesn’t make you different. It just makes you more of who you were before you made the cash.

46) I’ve always viewed bragging as a major defect of character. The more powerful a person truly is, the less they need to promote it.

47) Apply a mentality of granularity instead of a mind-set of superficiality

48) Your good name is branded onto every piece of work that you release.

49) Less is more

50) Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being. If not, leave this gathering. Half-heartedness doesn’t reach into majesty.

51) Basically, the idea is that every human gift comes with a downside. And the very quality that makes you special in one area is the same one that makes you a misfit in another

52) There’s a ton of competition at ordinary, but there’s almost none at extraordinary

53) You have to optimize daily. Consistency really is the DNA of mastery

54) Today is a glorious day and I’ll live it at excellence, with boundless enthusiasm and limitless integrity, true to my visions and with a heart full of love.

55) Most of us alive today wish we had more time. Yet we waste the time we have

56) Live in a way that feels true to you and pay attention to the small miracles every day brings

57) Dedication and discipline beats brilliance and giftedness every day of the week

58) Victims have big TVs. Leaders own large libraries.

59) We subconsciously adopt a thinking pattern by learning it from the people who most influence us at an early age.

60) The world is a mirror. And we get from life not what we want, but that which we are

61) As I develop better daily awareness around myself and why it is that I do what I do, I’ll make the better daily choices that will give me better daily results.

62) TV shows have become so superb these days, it’s so easy to get hooked.

63) Many among us also make flights from their greatness by chatting and gossiping endlessly, not really understanding that there’s a staggering difference between being busy and being productive

64) Other avoidance tactics from the pain of potential unexpressed are hours mindlessly surfing online, electronic shopping, working too much, drinking too much, eating too much, complaining too much and sleeping too much.

65) People are making more mistakes in their work than ever before because they aren’t present to what they’re doing

66) Concentrate on just a few work projects so you make them amazing versus diluting your attention on too many. And socially, have fewer friends but go deep with them so the relationship is rich

67) Comparison is the thief of joy.

68) Solitude — the kind that you can access before the sun comes up — is a force multiplier around your power, expertise and connection to being human.

69) Work on one high-value activity at a time instead of relentlessly multitasking — and do so in a quiet environment

70) Triumph belongs to the one who prepares the most

71) Fortify and bulletproof and nourish the core dimensions of your inner life and, trust me, you’ll x100 your life.

72) Your influence in the world mirrors the glory, nobility, vitality and luminosity you’ve accessed in yourself

73) If you don’t feel deserving of abundance, you’ll never do what’s required to realize it

74) Greatness is an inside game

75) It’s your life. Do what fit you best and feels right to you.

76) But your past is a place to be learned from, not a home to be lived in

77) You won’t win if your heart is full of anger, sadness, disappointment, resentment and fear

78) Sigmund Freud wrote that ‘unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and they will come forth later in uglier ways.

79) Every day’s just dramatically better with some exercise in it

80) Concentrate monomaniacally on creating great days — and they’ll stack into a gorgeous life

81) Ambition without implementation is a ridiculous delusion.

82) Science now confirms that our brains can continue to grow throughout our lives

83) The single best way to build your willpower is to voluntarily put yourself into conditions of discomfort.

84) Some people get up early but destroy the value of their morning routine by watching the news, surfing online, scanning social feeds and checking messages.

85) Write in a journal

86) Current research proves that regular meditation helps lower levels of cortisol, thus lowering your stress.

87) Study the lives of the greatest men and women of the past by consuming their autobiographies.

88) One of the primary ways we bring on an early death is by not sleeping enough.

89) The marketplace pays most for something that is scarce.

90) Restructure your entire life so you’re doing only the things you’re great at — and love to do.

91) Things that get scheduled are the things that get done.

92) Top performance truly isn’t a linear game. Elite accomplishment is much more like a heartbeat.

93) When you enlarge your willpower muscle in one important area, your self-discipline in every other area rises with you.

94) Working day and night didn’t make me more efficient at all. It just made me more tired. And cranky. So, now I make the time to rest, to nourish myself.

95) I own my things, but they don’t own me.

96) Instinct knows so much more than intellect and intuition is smarter than reason.

97) Become a collector of awesome experiences instead of a consumer of material things

98) You must never be abducted by the tiny cowards of “What would people think?” “What if I get rejected?” and “I’ll probably look silly if I try this.”

99) We model the behavior of the people we spend our days with. Fill your life with exceptionally excellent, enterprising, healthy, positive, ethical and sincerely loving people.

100) Balance living like there is no tomorrow with behaving like you’ll live forever.



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